Field Investigator (Sleuth). Issue No. 1 (38) for 2014
History of Professional Investigation
V.N. Chisnikov, Cand. Sc. (Law), Associate Professor (Kiev, Ukraine), Member of O(sy) editorial board (foreign section), e-mail:
Secret police officers at Yasnaya Polyana.
Annotation. It is about secret police surveillance (inter alia using secret agents) over a writer Leo Tolstoy.
Keywords: secret police, L.N. Tolstoy, secret officer.
Problems of Contemporary Investigative Theory and Practice
A.Yu. Shumilov, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:
On the overdue theoretical issue of distinguishing between former and contemporary operational-investigative activity: a view by syskologist.
Annotation. The issue of distinguishing between former (up until 1992) and contemporary operational-investigative activity is discussed. The definition of operational-investigative activity is given and its features are described.
Key words: definition of operational-investigative activity, former operational-investigative activity, contemporary operational-investigative activity, syskologist, operational-investigative activity in the strict sense, operational-investigative activity in the broad sense.
B.B. Glazunov, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics of Novosibirsk Law Institute of Tomsk State University, Cand. Sc. (Law), Associate Professor, e-mail:
Police entrapment and criminal procedure as a sacrifice.
Annotation. The author describes the destructive factors which influence the decision making process in criminal procedure and operational-investigative activities. The concept of “a sacrifice in criminal procedure” is introduced into scientific use. The basic features of this concept are distinguished and analyzed.
Key words: sacrifice, sacrifice in criminal procedure, operational-investigative activity, police entrapment, decision making, symbols, syskologiya.
A.Yu. Vvedensky, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law at Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (Nizhniy Novgorod), Cand. Sc. (Law), Associate Professor, e-mail:
Philosophical and theoretical understanding of the principle of operational-investigative activity revisited.
Annotation. The author considers the issues of understanding of the principle of operational-investigative activity from philosophical and legal point of views and gives his own definition thereof.
Key words: spiritual values, mentality, worldview, principle of operational-investigative activity.
K.M. Lobzov, Member of O(sy) editorial board, Doctor of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail:
«Recruitment ability» of a state traitor as an illegal social and psychological phenomenon.
Annotation. Author’s approach to the research of recruitment ability of state traitor’s personality as a criminal and psychological phenomenon, which is considered as an internal ability and readiness of a state traitor to get involved into illegal relations with foreign intelligence services (and other foreign «addressees») as their agent is presented in the article.
Key words: agent, «recruitment ability» of an individual, treason, deficiency of legal consciousness, identity of a criminal, operational-investigative activity, treachery, syskologiya.
V.V. Sonin, an officer of internal affairs agencies, colonel of police (Moscow), tel. 8-916-202-6651.
Housing and public utilities as an object of primary interest to the divisions of economic security and combating corruption.
Annotation. The author considers specific features of the activities of economic security and combating corruption divisions when dealing with housing and public utilities.
Key words: housing and public utilities, divisions of economic security and combating corruption, specific crimes.
Tribune of Candidates for Degrees in Law
Zh.Yu. Kabanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Forensics at Kuzbass Institute of FSIN of Russia, Cand. Sc. (Law) (Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region), e-mail:
A status of a field correctional officer in criminal procedure.
Annotation. Certain issues of a status of field correctional officers in criminal procedure are considered.
Key words: correctional institution, field officer, agency of inquiry, a status in criminal procedure.
A.E. Ilyin, Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree in Psychology at Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Cand. Sc. (Law), tel. 8-925-514-3764.
Certain problems of the fight against organized crime in the sphere of economics.
Annotation. Certain legal and organizational problems which need to be solved to make the fight against organized crime in the sphere of economics more effective are discussed in the article.
Key words: fight against organized crime, spheres under criminal influence, organized crime in the sphere of economics.
V.A. Avdonin, Chief Inspector of the Kennel Training Division at the Central Operational Custom House, Candidate for a Cand. Sc. (Law) Degree at the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of the Russian Customs Academy (Lyubertsy, Moscow region), tel. 8-495-276-4249.
Historical prerequisites and main directions of the formation of a forensic doctrine of a criminal personality.
Annotation. The author considers prerequisites that led to the formation of a private forensic theory, namely a forensic doctrine of a criminal personality.
Key words: forensics, general forensic theory, private forensic theories and doctrines, personality of a criminal, characteristic of a criminal personality.
O.V. Vikulov, Advocate, Candidate for a Cand. Sc. (Law) Degree at the Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude), e-mail:
Presenting the results of operational-investigative activity to the court revisited.
Annotation. Certain current issues of presenting the results of operational-investigative activity to the court are discussed in the article.
Key words: prosecutor, results of operational-investigative activity, court.
Papers of the Extradepartmental Institute for Scientific Research of Security and Investigation (Pullout magazine)
M.A. Skolotnev, Junior Researcher of VNII IBiS (Moscow), e-mail:
Legal regulation of an operational-investigative support to anti-corruption work in border authorities.
Annotation. The author examines certain issues of legal regulation of anti-corruption work in border authorities and makes suggestions as to how to amend current legislation.
Key words: operational-investigative action, border authorities, fight against corruption.
Allied Areas of Scientific Knowledge and Practice
L.V. Bertovski, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia), Doctor of Law, e-mail:
About the correlation between criminal procedure and forensic classification of interrogation techniques.
Annotation. Certain issues of the development of tactical recommendations as to how to conduct an interrogation during preliminary investigation are discussed.
Key words: criminal procedure classification of interrogation techniques, forensic classification interrogation techniques, interrogation of witnesses, victims, suspects and accused.
A.M. Voronov, Director of the Center for Legal Foundations for the Development of State Governance and Civil Society at the Institute for Problems of Effective State and Civil Society of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow), Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:
Public safety of the Russian Federation: problems and current challenges.
Annotation. The article examines topical issues of ensuring public safety of the Russian Federation. Based on the legal analysis of the Concept of public safety as approved by the President of Russia on 20 November 2013, the author makes a conclusion that it would be advisable to enact it.
Key words: public safety, ensuring public safety, concept of public safety.
A.S. Kolesova, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics at the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, Cand. Sc. (Law), e-mail:
The interaction between an investigator and an agency of inquiry while investigating violent crimes in the family.
Annotation. The author considered different types of interaction between an investigator and an agency of inquiry while investigating violent crimes in the family, as well as the use of the results of operational-investigative actions in this activity.
Key words: interaction, investigator, agency of inquiry, field officer, development, special assignments, criminal investigation, checking versions.
Professional Investigation Abroad. International Cooperation
I.I. Basetsky, Member of O(sy) editorial board (foreign section), Doctor of Law, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus),
A.V. Skaldin, Adjunct of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus), e-mail: nio_cademia@
Detective monitoring of the situation in the sphere of combating crime is an important function of the science of investigation (syskologiya).
Annotation. Wishing to make a contribution to the realization of the ideas of Professor A.Yu. Shumilov about the science of investigation (syskologiya) as a new of science of professional investigation, it is proposed to include detective monitoring of the situation in the sphere of combating crime into the main areas (functions) of the science of investigation.
Key words: operational-investigative activity, the science of investigation (syskologiya), detective monitoring, detective division, investigator.
N.P. Vod’ko, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Member of O(sy) editorial board (foreign section) (Odessa, Ukraine), tel. (048) 734-7533.
Regulatory issues of operative-investigative activity in view of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
Annotation. The author focuses on certain provisions of operative investigative and criminal procedure law and suggests that a number of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On operational-investigative activity» and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine should be amended.
Key words: criminal proceedings tasks, tasks of operative-investigative activity, principles of operative-investigative activity, the base for secret investigative actions; grounds for operative-investigative activity.
V.P. Kroshko, Chairman of the Kiev regional branch of the Ukrainian section of the International Police Association, Honoured member of O(sy) editorial board (Kiev, Ukraine), e-mail:
Syskologiya is the science of prevention.
Annotation. The fact that undercover investigative activities are mentioned in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine 2012 instead of improving cooperation between investigation and the court allows creating a parallel secret service for investigation of grave and especially grave crimes. And for this reason investigative prevention is the top priority.
Key words: high-tech opportunities of investigation, law on investigative activity, law on the safety of investigation, intelligence information, detective prevention, syskologist, syskologiya, prevention.
Review Page
A.N. Yarmysh. Review of a scientific publication «Registration and reference and forensic institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire (1889—1917). 2 volumes / Authors: M.G. Verbensky, S.I. Girko, T.A. Protsenko, V.N. Chisnikov, T.A. Plutagar, I.E. Nikitina, S.G. Laptev, 2013. — 662 pages + 602 pages. Bibliography, illustrated». (Ukrainian language).
Index of the Articles Published in 2013
№ 1(34) January 2013![]() |
№ 2(35) April 2013![]() |
№ 3(36) July 2013![]() |
№ 4(37) November 2013![]() |