Field Investigator (Sleuth). Issue No. 1 (50) for 2017
History of Professional Investigation and Operative Search Activity
Mikhail Alexeevich Samelyuk, Member of «0(sy)» editorial board, Doctor of History, Professor, e-mail:
What was the cause of Ramzay residency failure (unknown facts about the work of Soviet secret service in Japan)?
Annotation. Based on the analysis of archives and other documents the causes of the failure of the soviet intelligence agent Richard Zorge are revealed.
Key words: Zorge, residency failure, intelligence service, Japan.
Problems of Theory and Practice of Modern Operative Search Activity
Andrey Yurievich Vvedensky, Associate Professor at the Chair of Criminal Proceedings, the Volga branch of the «RSUJ» (Nizhny Novgorod), Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:
On the issue of interpreting the definition of operative search activity.
Annotation. Once again the issue of improving the concept of operative search activity as a coherent system is considered in the article . Receiving the operative information in the operative search activity is carried out not only through operative search actions, but also through other measures , including confidential cooperation.
Key words: action, confidential cooperation, operative search activity, operative search measures.
Peter Ivanovich Ivanov, Member of «O(sy)» editorial board, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, tel.: 8-964-554-9565,
Artyom Sergeevich Shemetov, Candidate for a Ph.D. Degree in Law (Adjunct), Academy of Management, Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (Moscow), е-mail:
Factors to be considered in the organization of operative search prevention of economic and corruption crimes in the health care system.
Annotation. This article outlines the main factors involved in the organization of operative search prevention of economic crimes and corruption in the health care facilities.
Key words: health care facility, operative search warning, organization, EbiPK units, economic and corruption crimes, factor.
Alexander Yurievich Kozlovsky, Member of «O(sy)» editorial board, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, е-mail:
Some patterns of operative search activity of customs bodies of the Russian Federation.
Annotation. Based on a retrospective origin, formation and development of the operative search activity of the customs authorities, its patterns that can be used as the basis for the subject of operative search theory of customs authorities are determined.
Key words: detective (operative search) activity, the customs authorities, the Customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, the World Trade Organization, the dialectical relation between the two forms of investigation (operative search activity and Customs control).
Valery Pavlovich Kroshko, Honorary Member of «O(sy)» editorial board, e-mail: e-mail:
The logical structure of investigation philosophy and some urgent problems.
Annotation. The logical structure of investigation philosophy stipulates the world outlook and methodological bases of sciences on investigation activity, their integration, differentiation and improvement.
Key words: the logical structure of investigation philosophy, investigation reality, professor A.Yu. Shumilov’s laws of professional investigation (sysk), the law of triune criteria in investigation, investigation risk, investigation safety, investigation area, investigation relations.
Boris Aristarkhovich Spasennikov, Member of «O(sy)» editorial board, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:
Once again about syskologia and the first syskologists of Russia and the neighboring countries (overview of the new achievements of scientific thought about operative search science).
Annotation. The review of the current achievements of scientific thought on a new science — syskologia is carried out. It has been stated that its founders understand syskologia in the narrow sense, i.e. as operative search science and in the broad sense of the word— as the system of sciences on professional investigation activity (operative search, counter-intelligence activity and its other types). The idea of forming syskologia as a science has been supported.
Key words: criminosyskologia, operative search activity, operative search forensics (syskolistika), operative search science, professional investigation, syskologist, syskologia, legal science.
Vladimir Valerievich Stryukovaty, Associate, International Institute of Law (Ivanovo Branch), e-mail:
Special features of holding an inquest and operative search actions on the initial stage of investigating criminal cases of extremist and terrorist nature in case of extinction of those who committed the crimes during the raids.
Annotation. Contemporary practice shows that investigation of terrorist and extremist crimes demands not only high level of professionalism and experience from the investigator but also deep knowledge of the nature of such crimes and their disclosing methods. It’s of primary importance in the cases of extinction of those who committed such crimes during the special raids by law enforcement bodies. Hence, the initial stage of the investigation becomes the most significant as success of the investigation as a whole depends on it.
Key words: preliminary investigation; terrorism; extremism; investigative measures; operative search actions.
Alexander Yulievich Shumilov, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:
New ideas and the «earlier used (old) ones» in doctoral dissertations on the current issues of operative search activity (theses of operative search analytics).
Annotation. The article considers the principles submitted for the defence that are contained in all doctoral dissertations on the current issues of operative search activity. The author comes to the conclusion that a lot of ideas of the scientists-syskologists have not been called for by the legislators. It is proposed to create a unified information-reference base on the research product obtained in operative search science in Russia.
Key words: doctoral dissertation, research product, operative search activity, operative search science, operative search reality, syskologist.
Masters of Theory and Practice of Operative Search Activity
Alexey Andreevich Rebrov, the Chief of the Department on Migration Issues, Ryazan Department of RF MIA, Ph.D. in Law, e-mail:,
Mikhail Andreevich Lobanov, the Chief of the Department on Economic Security and Counteracting Corruption, Ryazan Department of RF MIA, Ph.D. in Law, Ph.D. in Sociology.
The anniversary of the chair of operative search activity organization of the Academy of Management of RF MIA (staff members) (about P.I. Ivanov as a prominent scientist and a teacher).
Annotation. Professor Ivanov’s current scientific and pedagogical activity is presented in the article.
Key words: P.I. Ivanov, the chair of operative search activity organization, Academy of Management, MIA of Russia, scientific and pedagogical activity of P.I. Ivanov.
Alexander Yulievich Shumilov, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:,
Konstantin Mikhailovich Lobzov, Member of «O(sy)» editorial board, Doctor of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail:
Who are you, doctor Alexeev? About Mikhail Alexeevich Samelyuk. The 70th Birth Anniversary.
Annotation. Story about life and professional activities of professor M.A. Samelyuk is presented.
Key words: military intelligence, history, scientific and pedagogical activity of М.А. Samelyuk, operative search activity.
Tribune of Candidates for Degrees in Law
Alexander Aramovich Barsegyan, Post-graduate Student at Operative Search Activity Chair, Institute of Law Enforcement Activity, Russian Customs Academy, e-mail:
Operative search actions in the member-states of the Customs Union: comparative analysis.
Annotation. Lists of operative search actions stated in the laws on operative-search activity in the member-states of the Customs Union are considered in the article. Their comparative analysis is given.
Key words: operative search activity, operative search action, operative search law, Customs Union.
Pavel Grigorievich Kuznetsov, the Chief of the Economic Security and Counteracting Corruption Department, Podolsk Department of RF MIA, Central Administration of MIA of Russia in Moscow region, Adjunct of the Academy of Management, MIA of Russia, e-mail:
Total combination of factors causing the necessity of operative service in felling, storing up and turnover of timber.
Annotation. Operative service in timber-industrial complex and its determining factors are considered in the article.
Key words: timber-industrial complex, criminalization of timber industry, total combination of factors, their affect on activity, operative service, EbiPK units.
Gennadiy Sergeevich Shkabin, Associate Professor at Criminal Law chair, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:
Concept and criminal law signs of operational implementation.
Annotation. The article deals with the problem of the definition of operational implementation and its signs, which have criminal law value. From the point of view of criminal law the object and the subjects of operational implementation, the possibility of harm to the objects of criminal law protection are analyzed. In conclusion the author gives the concept of operational implementation, taking into account the criminal law positions.
Key words: operational implementation, operative search activity, the lawful infliction of harm, criminal law.
Papers of the Extra-Departmental Institute for Scientific Research of Security and Investigation (Pullout magazine)
Alexey Vyacheslavovich Agarkov, Research Worker of VNII IBiS (Moscow), Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:
Legislative regulation of the content of operative search measures as a necessary condition to elaborate the current operative search activity.
Annotation. The problem of the definition of legislative regulation of operative search measures was set. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the operative search legislation of CIS member states and scientific works we arrived at the conclusion that it is necessary to secure the content of operative search activities in the operative search law.
Key words: operative search activity, operative search measures, operative search legislation, the content of the operative search measures.
Victor Vladimirovich Zvyagintsev, Research Worker of VNII IBiS (Moscow), Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:
The operative search characteristics of transnational organized criminal formations activity in the boundary sphere of the Russian Federation.
Annotation. The following aspects of operative search characteristics of transnational organized criminal formations activity on the state border of the Russian Federation are considered: organizational structure; signs and features of criminal formations; purposes of criminal activity; etc.
Key words: state border, formations, transnational (trans-border) criminality, criminal activity, operative search characteristics, law enforcement body, special feature, safety, association, counteraction.
Alexander Yulievich Shumilov, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:
On new scientific formations generated by contemporary operative search science (syskologia).
Annotation. New scientific formations originating inside operative search science as well as linking up with other sciences are named and defined in the article.
Key words: confidentologia, criminosyskologia, scientific school, scientific formation, operative search science, operative search procedure, syskologia.
Allied Areas of Scientific Knowledge and Practice
Nikolay Valeryanovich Maksimov, Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University» (Cheboksary), e-mail:
About the imperfection of information retrieval card when filling out the details of the external appearance of the person being registered.
Annotation. The article substantiates the necessity of introducing specific growth data when filling in information retrieval card which is the Appendix to «manual on creating and maintaining centralized operational background, forensic and investigative accounting, Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation».
Key words: information retrieval card (IRC), height, specialized surveys, registration.
Anatoly Yakovlevich Minin, the Chief of the Chair of Criminal Law Disciplines, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:,
Vladimir Armenakovich Tserunyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Criminal Law Disciplines, Moscow Frontier Institute, FSS RF, Ph.D. in pedagogics.
Informational aspects of counteracting hidden support of extremism.
Annotation. This article discusses the problems of analytical work in the sphere of operative search activity (analytical intelligence — information, esp. with reference to important events) to counteract extremism financing. In particular, special attention is paid to relevant informational aspects revealing latency source and suppression of the channels of extremist activity financing.
Key words: analytical work, informational component, measures of counteraction, extremist activities financing.
Yuri Nikolaevich Tuganov, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:,
Angelica Sergeevna Kursanova, Adjunct.
Organized forms of terrorism: new acts in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the necessity of taking into account changes in the operative search activity.
Annotation. The article examines the organizational forms of terrorism, taking into account changes made in the criminal code of the Russian Federation in November 2013 and June 2014. The authors conduct criminal-legal analysis of the compositions of the Criminal code, which stipulates criminal responsibility for the organization and participation in terrorist groups. The authors indicate existing gaps in the structure of crimes. The need to take into account changes in the operative search activity is pointed out.
Key words: illegal formations, operative search activity, terrorism, terrorist community, terrorist activities, terrorist organization.
Operative Search Activity Abroad. International Cooperation
Ivan Ignatyevich Basetsky, Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific-Practical Magazine «Bulletin of the Academy of the MIA of the Republic of Belarus» (Minsk), Member of the Editorial Board’s Foreign Section at O(sy), Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Belarus, e-mail:
Syskologia in Belarus and creative interaction opportunities between experts in syskologia in EurAsEC countries.
Annotation. The article deals with the current state and the perspectives of problems study in the Republic of Belarus, the interaction between experts in syskologia in EurAsEC countries in the investigation system formation, the development of the general theory of investigation and syskologia.
Key words: European-Asian Economic Union, creative interaction of syskologia experts, the general theory of investigation, investigation system, syskologia.
Review Page
Victor Fedorovich Lugovik, Professor at the Chair of Operative Search Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, e-mail:
Review of the monograph by V.А. Azarov and Е.V. Kuznetsov «Theoretical basis of the formation of operative search law».
Annotation. The monograph by V.A. Azarov and E.V. Kuznetsov «Theoretic basis of the formation of operative search law» is reviewed. The authors come to the conclusion that the book is urgent and significant for the science of operative search activity.
Key words: operative search activity, operative search law, law, theoretical basis.
Evgeny Nikolaevich Yakovets, Professor at the Chair of Operative Search Activity Organization, Academy of Management, MIA of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:
Review of the manuscript of the monograph А.Yu. Shumilov «Methodology, principles, language, subjects of operative search science and some other provisions».
Annotation. The manuscript of the monograph «Methodology, principles, language, subjects of operative search science and some other provisions» by A.Yu. Shumilov is reviewed. The reviewer comes to the conclusion that the book is fundamental, urgent and significant for a science of operative search activity. He believes that the reviewed book will be the basis for scientific cognition of operative search reality.
Key words: method, methodical guidance, methodology, task of operative search science, operative search science, operative search reality, former (Soviet) «operative search activity», principle of operative search science, product of operative search science, professional language, contemporary (Russian) operative search activity, subject of operative search science, sysk, syskologist, syskologia, philosophy of operative search science, function of operative search science.
Index of the Articles Published in 2016
№ 1(46) January 2016 | № 2(47) April 2016 | № 3(48) July 2016 | № 4(49) November 2016 |