Field Investigator (Sleuth). Issue No. 1 (54) for 2018
Problems of Theory and Practice of Modern Operative Search Activity
Basic problems of syskologia formation
Bakhsheish Mamed ogly Askerov, associate professor at the chair of criminalistics and court expertise of Law faculty, Baku State University (Republic of Azerbaijan), Ph.D. in Law, e-mail:,
Mubariz Khasrat ogly Mustafaev, associate professor at the chair of criminalistics and court expertise of Law faculty, Baku State University (Republic of Azerbaijan), Doctor of Law, e-mail:
On the idea of a new law science formation — syskologia.
Annotation. The article is devoted to some theoretical and philosophical problems of forming a new law science — syskologia. To the authors’ point of view, the appearance of a new law science is substantiated by objective reasons. Legalizing operative search activity through adopting corresponding laws, the presence of some varieties of this activity with their characteristic features and their legal regulation, conducting scientific research referring to the problems of operative search activity — all these factors require creating general theoretical platform(science) that embraces all theories and doctrines on the given activity. The new science must study and reveal general and particular features of available varieties of investigation activity, work out its conceptual system, principals and categories, study regularities that differentiate operative search science from other criminal law sciences, forecast major tendencies of its further development, etc.
Key words: regularities in the development of operative search science, operative search science, operative search science, syskologia, philosophy of operative search science, philosophy of law.
Ivan Ignatievich Basetsky, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal «Bulletin of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus», Member of the Foreign Section of the Editorial Board of the Journal «Operative officer (detective)», Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Belarus;
Valery Cheslavovich Rodevich, Candidate for a doctor’s degree at the Chair of operative search activity, Militia Faculty, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor;
Alexey Nikolaevich Tukalo, Head of the Chair of Operative Search Activity, Faculty of Militia, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor;
Alexander Vasilievich Yaskevich, Deputy Head of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus for scientific work, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:
Syskologia in the Republic of Belarus.
Annotation. Some results of 10 years of syskologia formation (late 2007—early 2017) and proposals made by A.Yu. Shumilov on quicker formation of syskologia (understood in both «broad» and «narrow» sense of the word, his recommendations: «How to accelerate the formation of a unified paradigm of operative search science?» are considered in the article.
Key words: operative search science, paradigm of operative search science, the prospects of syskologia from the point of view of professor A.Yu. Shumilov, proposals for the development of syskologia in Russia, Belarus, in the union of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, recommendations of the founder of syskologia professor A.Yu. Shumilov, a system of professional detective scientific entities, syskologia in the broad and narrow senses of the word, «key moments» to proceed the formation of syskologia.
Valery Viktorovich Tsukanov, Senior Researcher of VNII IBiS (Moscow), Ph.D. in Law, e-mail:
Is it justified to call the new science «Syskologia»?
Annotation. A historical research of validity of the name of the new science — syskologia given by professor A.Yu. Shumilov was carried out. Historically this name is justified. Besides, the author made some comments and expressed his doubts connected with the raised problem of forming the new legal science.
Key words: history of investigation, science, operative search activity, operative search science, investigation (sysk), syskolistics, syskologia, legal science.
Alexander Yulievich Shumilov, Russian Customs Academy, Professor of the Chair of Operative Search Activity at the Law Enforcement Institute, Doctor of Law, Professor, e-mail:
What is operative search metatheory?
Annotation. A scientific philosophical research of operative search meta-theory was conducted. It was stated that multi-leveled understanding of modern operative search science lacks one very important section — operative search meta-theory. Its definition is formulated, characteristic features of its concept are distinguished, the ratio of concepts of operative search metatheory and theory are considered in the article.
Key words: operative search activity, operative search meta-theory, operative search science, operative search theory, operative search scientific knowledge, syskologia.
Problems of certain conceptions, doctrines and theories of syskologia under formation
Andrey Yurievich Vvedensky, Associate professor at the chair of criminal proceedings, the Volga branch of the «RSUJ» (Nizhny Novgorod), Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:
In the process of reforming the economy we should not forget about its protection.
Annotation. In the present conditions with the creation of a new economy, in which high quality and sustainable economic growth are of major importance, inevitably a question of its defense is raised. A special place in protecting economic growth is given to the law enforcement system, including agencies performing operative search activity.
Key words: operative search activity, operative search measures, protection of the economy, economic growth.
Nikolay Leonidovich Denisov, Associate professor of the Criminal Law Chair, Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikot, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, e-mail:
The problem of operative search prevention of crime with administrative prejudice as a gap that needs to be studied by modern operative search science.
Annotation. The author states that the legislation on operative search activity actually does not allow to perform it within the prevention of crime with administrative prejudice and the way to solve this problem is proposed.
Key words: operative search activity, operative search science, operative search prevention of crimes, prevention of crimes, a crime with administrative prejudice.
Roman Grigorievich Drapezo, Senior lecturer at the Chair of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Kemerovo State University, e-mail:,
Vitaly Nikolaevich Shelestyukov, Associate Professor at the Chair of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Kemerovo State University, Ph.D in Law.
Special features of a new operative search activity — obtaining computer information (on the example of illegal trade of narcotic and psychoactive substances).
Annotation. The authors of the article made an attempt to substantiate the emergence of a new operative search activity «obtaining computer information» and showed its difference from related concepts. Also, an approximate regulation of the new operative search activity, the form of legalization of its results, and the expediency of singling out computer research at the pre-investigation stage are given. In conclusion, the definition of the new operative search activity is expressed and its possible applied value is shown on the example of illegal trafficking of narcotic and psychoactive substances in the shadow sector of the Internet.
Key words: narcotic substance, operative search activity, obtaining computer information, Internet network, illegal trade, detective information.
Peter Ivanovich Ivanov, Chief researcher of scientific research center, Management Academy of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (Moscow), Honorary Member of O(sy) editorial board, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, tel: 8-964-554-9565,
Denis Vyacheslavovich Yakovlev, operations officer of UR UUR GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, e-mail:
On the issue of operative search prevention of economic and corruption crimes in the sphere of production and turnover of ethyl spirit, alcoholic and spirit containing beverages.
Annotation. Special features of operative search prevention of economic and corruption crimes in the sphere of production and turnover of ethyl spirit, alcoholic and spirit containing beverages are considered in the article. The proposals are made to improve this work.
Key words: operative search prevention, economic and corruption crimes, EBiPK units, the sphere of production and turnover of ethyl spirit, alcoholic and spirit containing beverages.
Oleg Alekseevich Kisly, senior lecturer at the chair of organization of operative search activity, Management Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ph.D. in Education, e-mail:
To the issue of anti-corruption expertize in operative search activity.
Аnnotation. The author considers the task of fighting corruption being a threat to national security as a major obstacle to the development of our society and state.
Key words: anti-corruption expertise, operative search activity, anti-corruption, national security, prevention of corruption.
Maxim Valerievich Kutsenko, adjunct at the chair of operative search activity of internal affairs bodies, Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, e-mail:,
Artyom Valerievich Krasovsky, аdjunct at the chair of operative search activity of internal affairs bodies, Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, e-mail:
Some problems of legal regulation of operative search activity of divisions of internal safety of the MIA of Russia.
Annotation. Some problems of legal regulation of operative search activity of divisions of internal safety of the MIA of Russia are discussed in the article.
Key words: operative search support, operative search activity, divisions of internal safety, legal regulation.
Anna Andreevna Lebedeva, Leading researcher «FGKU All-Russia scientific research institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs», Ph.D. in Law, e-mail:
Personal investigation as a form of operative search activity allowing to identify the suspect hiding his personal data.
Annotation. The author considers such components of operative search activity as «investigation» and «search», agreeing to divide this activity into «open (non-secret)» for studying concepts, methods, principles and secret rules to establish the personal information of individuals suspected (accused) of committing a crime who are deliberately hiding their personal data.
Key words: personal search, operative search activity, suspect, crime, the accused, search, hiding personal data, investigation, establishment of personal data.
Alexander Vadimovich Parfenov, Associate Professor at the chair of operative search activity, Management Academy of MIA of Russia, Ph.D. in law, tel. 8-926-861-5362.
About the nature of scientific term «detection and identification activities» of internal affairs bodies.
Annotation. The author brings his position to the definition of «detection and identification activities» of internal affairs bodies. The definition of this activity is proposed by the author on the basis of the study and analysis of various scientific approaches on the given subject.
Key words: identification activities, identification, operative search activity, identity, investigation activities, search, location identification.
Pavel Vladimirovich Ezrokhin, Assistant Chief, UUR GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Moscow region, Ph.D. in Law, e-mail:
Improvement of operative search activity of criminal investigation subdivisions in combating organized crime.
Annotation. Some urgent issues critical for the improvement of operative search activity of criminal investigation divisions combating organized crime groups and conspiracies (criminal organizations) are considered in the article.
Key words: complex of measures, organized groups, operative search activity, operative official activity, improvement, criminal investigation subdivisions, organized crime groups and conspiracies (criminal organizations).
Tribune of Candidates for Degrees in Law
Vladimir Alexeevich Demyanov, research worker of the Russian law research centre «Aequitas», e-mail:
On the legal regulation of the system elements of canine enforcement specialists’ professional training.
Annotation. The article is devoted to the scientific grounds for the creation and development of the system of canine specialists’ professional training for canine enforcement units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military formations and bodies and other services.
Key words: military service, specialists’ training, legal regulation, the selection of candidates, specialists’ professional training, canine enforcement.
Stepan Pavlovich Senchikhin, Candidate for a Ph.D. Degree in Law at the Chair of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Kemerovo State University, e-mail:,
Valery Kоlossovich Znikin, Professor at the Chair of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Kemerovo State University, Doctor of Law, professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
Some issues of legal regulation of the operative search activity «Poll».
Annotation. The author analyzes some issues of legal regulation of the operative search activity «Poll». The research contains problems of realization of the norms established by law and proposes ways to overcome them.
Key words: operative search activities, poll, bodies authorized to carry out operative search activity, the powers of the staff worker.
Allied Areas of Scientific Knowledge and Practice
Andrey Nikolaevich Doshchitsyn, Senior researcher at the Department of problems of Prosecutor’s supervision over execution of laws in the implementation of operative search activity and participation of the Prosecutor in criminal proceedings of the scientific research institute, Academy of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, е-mail:
Prosecutor’s supervision over the execution of laws by bodies carrying out operative search activities aimed at detection, prevention, suppression and disclosure of stealing items of particular value.
Annotation. The article deals with general questions of methodology of Prosecutor’s supervision over execution of laws by bodies carrying out operative search activities aimed at detection, prevention, suppression and disclosure of stealing items or documents having special historical, scientific, artistic or cultural value. The objectives of supervision are defined and the most common violations of law that are revealed by prosecutors are given.
Key words: detection, prevention, suppression and disclosure of theft, operative search activity, items or documents of special value (historical, scientific, artistic or cultural), prosecutor’s supervision, authorized prosecutor.
Valery Kоlossovich Znikin, Doctor of Law, Professor at the Chair of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Kemerovo State University,
Inna Nikolaevna Razzorenova, Candidate for a Ph.D. in Law at the Chair of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Kemerovo State University, e-mail:
Interaction problems of police departments in the conditions of the experiment on considering messages on crimes only by investigators and interrogators.
Annotation. The article is devoted to the problems of interaction of divisions, carrying out operative search activity and preliminary investigation of crimes. Ways to optimize and enhance the use of the capabilities of units conducting operative search activity while getting information that helps to solve crimes and detect criminals.
Key words: interaction, inquisitor, getting the information, crime disclosure, investigation of crimes, investigator.
Operative Search Activity Abroad. International Cooperation
Alexey Yakovlevich Eshmakov, the operations officer for particularly important cases of EbiPK Department, Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Administration in Kirov region, e-mail:
Police officer’s experience of escorting humanitarian convoys in the United Nations Mission for stabilization in Haiti.
Annotation. The practical experience gained during escorting humanitarian convoys in the UN Missions makes it possible to give advice to police officers on providing security for humanitarian convoys in the peacekeeping missions.
Key words: humanitarian convoy, peacekeeping, UN Mission, police officer’s experience, security, police.
Review Page
Alexander Egorovich Sharikhin, professor at the chair of prosecutor’s activity fundamentals, Academy of the Prosecutor General of the RF, doctor of law, professor, е-mail:
Review of the monograph by A.Yu. Shumilov «Operative search scientific knowledge in the context of philosophy of science».
Annotation. The third book «Operative search scientific knowledge in the context of philosophy of science» of the third volume of A.Yu. Shumilov’s monograph «Operative Search Science in the Russian Federation» is reviewed. The reviewer comes to the conclusion that the monograph makes a considerable contribution to operative search science which is just forming in Russia and it allows to determine the basic directions of further development of this science on the basis of philosophy of science.
Key words: conception, metatheory, operative search science, operative search reality, operative search scientific knowledge, paradigm, problem, investigator (syskolog), syskologia, theory, philosophy of science, philosophy of operative search science.
Index of the Articles Published in 2017
№ 1(50) January 2017![]() |
№ 2(51) April 2017![]() |
№ 3(52) July 2017![]() |
№ 4(53) November 2017![]() |